Special Monthly Envelope for August

Special Monthly Envelope for August

Donations to our special monthly appeal in August will support the Race Track Chaplaincy. Founded in 1971, the Chaplaincy provides vital ministry to backstretch workers and their families by offering food and clothing; legal, medical and clerical assistance; as well...
Late July Building Update

Late July Building Update

If you were at the church on July 31st, you may have noticed that the nave was rather dark for a summer’s morning.  The clerestory windows, in the dormers along the roof, have been removed for restoration work by J & R Lamb Studios.  While the windows are being...
Special Monthly Envelope for July

Special Monthly Envelope for July

The special monthly envelope for this month assists the church with the cost of fuel as well as necessary upgrades to our aging air-conditioning system. Thank you for your assistance and generosity.
Early July Church Building Update

Early July Church Building Update

The scaffolding, which is preventing installation of the remaining gutters and downspouts, should be coming down soon. The architect and contractor are working through a final list of items before the roof is considered complete. The replacement side panels on the...
New York Landmarks Conservancy Open House – 23 July 2022

New York Landmarks Conservancy Open House – 23 July 2022

New York Landmarks Conservancy celebrates its 11th Annual Sacred Sites Open House. This year’s theme, Open Doors, highlights the broad spectrum of historical periods, faith traditions, and styles of religious architecture found in communities throughout the Empire...
Life in Christ: Ascetical Theology and Spiritual Practices

Life in Christ: Ascetical Theology and Spiritual Practices

Beginning August 20, 2022, the third Saturday morning per month for ten months | 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Christ the King Center, Greenwich. An introduction to the basic elements of Christian spirituality, emphasizing the nature of the spirituality of Christian...
Early July Church Building Update

Mid June Roof Update

The roof replacement is nearing completion apart from side panels for both the east and west transept. Replacement panels were delayed and are now scheduled for arrival in mid-July. There is still some painting and completion of the installation of gutters and...
Special Monthly Envelope for June

Special Monthly Envelope for June

Donations in June will be directed to the Thomas T. Parke Music Fund. Fr Parke was Rector of Bethesda from 1968 to 2012. In recognition of his commitment to the liturgical and musical life of the parish, a fund was established in his name which would provide...
Early May Roof Update

Early May Roof Update

We are getting close to having the rest of the old roof removed.  Only the lower east side remains but again the weather is getting in the way. Once the old roof is removed and made water-tight, we will no longer need to cover the pews. Work has progressed nicely with...