Dear Friends of Bethesda,
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on April 10. The week will be filled with ever-increasing drama, as scripture, music, silence, and prayer draw us deeper into the mystery of Christ’s passion. The week culminates in a time of great rejoicing when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord on Easter morning.
Join us if you’re in town. And why not invite a neighbor or friend to come along? Countless lives have been transformed through an experience of these sacred liturgies. The Gospel needs to be shared!
Holy Week Services
10 April – Palm Sunday
8am Blessing of Palms & Holy Communion
10am Blessing of Palms & Sung Eucharist
The Preacher at both services is Bishop Michael Smith
13 April – Wednesday in Holy Week
7pm Stations of the Cross
14 April – Maundy Thursday
7pm Liturgy for the Day
15 April – Good Friday
12 Noon Liturgy for the Day
17 April – Easter Day
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist and Sermon
The Maundy Thursday Watch
Time for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7pm Liturgy on this most holy night. The church remains open until 10pm and re-opens on Good Friday at 10am. A list has been placed at the back of church for people to sign up for the watch at the altar of repose.
Easter Lessons and Carols
On Sunday 1 May, there will be a service of Readings and Music for Easter at 10am. All welcome.
I wish you all every blessing.
Fr Charles Wallace
About the image:
A portion of Agony in the Garden, El Greco, c. 1590