Albany Diocese Bishop Election News
Date Published: July 15, 2023

A week of ‘walkabouts’ for the four candidates for bishop has been arranged from 14th to 17th August. If you wish to attend one of these townhall-style meetings, you must register in advance via the diocesan website. The closest venues are St Paul’s Church, Albany on Monday 14th and Church of the Messiah, Glens Falls on Thursday 17th. Both meetings start promptly at 6pm. For further information, please consult the Diocese Page about the Candidates Tour.

Biographical sketches of those standing for election as 10th Bishop of Albany are also posted here.

Each parish of the diocese will send delegates to a special electoral convention to be held on Saturday 9 September at All Saints’ Cathedral, Albany. Lynne Priestley, Charles Maze and Fr Wallace will represent Bethesda at the convention.