Legs Miserables: Saratoga Spa State Park
The Bethesda hiking group (aka Legs Miserables) is open to anyone who enjoys exploring different state parks and trails around Saratoga Springs with parishioners, friends and family. It normally meets three weeks in the spring and then again in the autumn.
Today’s walk, which begins at 2pm, is at Saratoga Spa State Park. Walkers will meet at the Geyser Creek Welcome Center (by Geyser Creek) which is marked as site “E” on this map of the park. The walk will be a short, more leisurely walk along the Geyser Creek trail, which is relatively, although not completely, flat. Some of it is paved. Please bring a water bottle and wear comfortable walking shoes or tennis shoes. If the weather is not suitable, the walk will be rescheduled if possible.
Consider also joining us on May 17 at 2pm at Pitney Farm and on May 24 at 2pm at Hudson Crossing.
Contact us by email or phone to register.